Wednesday, October 14, 2009


雙手撥珠 珠心算教室
讓你的小孩 神打妙算 激發潛能 受益一生

Let your child get a head start on the road to success
Super Brain Master the abacus, reap its benefits for a life time
Abacus-Mental Arithmetic stimulate the functions of the left and right brain; open the doors to wisdom


如何讓孩子贏在起跑點上 , 邁向成功之路 ?

心珠算 —— 刺激左右腦之功能, 開啟智慧之門
金頭腦 —— 掌握心珠算之金鑰, 讓你受益一生

最熱門的才藝—心珠算 , 對孩子的十大好處-----

1. 使學校課業成績全面提昇(一科優秀,多科受益)。
2. 增強數學能力
3. 開發左右腦的應用能力。
4. 提昇邏輯推理能力
5. 促進直覺認知。
6. 提高解決問題的能力。
7. 增強創作力。
8. 強化記憶力。
9. 集中注意力 (映像記憶)。
10. 增進理解力。
心珠算之奧秘? 心珠算可以有多快?
心珠算是借助珠算之圖像, 使兒童在眼看、耳聽、手撥、腦算的過程中,協調身體各部機能,可刺激左右腦均衡發展,然後把珠算化為心算,以2倍至10倍的速度迅速遞增,達到全腦開發之最佳狀況, 強化右腦的圖像思考,使學生能達到算術天才的演算速度。

金頭腦— 讓你的小孩神打妙算, 激發潛能, 高人一等
聯絡電話: 吳老師 (914)433-3413
The most popular skill :
Abacus-Mental Arithmetic
allows your child to have the
following ten benefits

1.Improve overall academic performance and grades

2.Improve math ability

3. Develop the capabilities of the left and right brain

4. Enhance the capacity of logical reasoning

5. Promotion of cognitive intuition

7. Enhance creativity

8. Enhance memory

9. .Increase concentration (photographic memory)

10.Improve understanding

What is the secret behind
Abacus-Mental Arithmetic ?

Abacus-Mental Arithmetic utilizes
the abacus, which allows children to
develop their visual, audio, kinesthetic
and mental skills.
It also coordinates their different
body parts and balances the
development of the left and right brain.
The calculation with the abacus is then
converted to mental calculations. The
resulting speed will increase 2 to 10
times faster.
The brain at this time has reached
its optimal level.
With both hands
the beads, both
the right and left
brains are utilized
activating their full potential.
The resulting speed is 30% faster
than the traditional one-handed method
of abacus manipulation.

Super Brain allows your child to
become a genius; opens up your child's
potential; allows them to excel

Abacus-Mental Arithmetic-
stimulate the functions of
the left and right brain;
open the doors to wisdom

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